The Countries taking Climate Change Seriously, and Those who Don’t
The world is currently on a precipice when it comes to climate change, I sound like a broken-down record player at this stage, but it’s frustrating the talking that’s happening and the lack of action. Behind us, there are the countless mistakes of the past that has brought us to our current climate crisis today. Ahead, there is the opportunity to make definitive positive change, but also the possibility that things will simply continue the way they are and we’ll all be the worse for it. Big decisions need to be made, and this world cannot afford to procrastinate much longer. To put all of this in context, because the figures are bewildering in this article, last year defence spending by the US = $858Bn, China = $230Bn, the UK = $86Bn. Read the rest of this article and come back to this line above again. It gives some indication why its our governments that...
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